Cheat Mode


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「Go Viral! Ways to Resist the Social Immunity(社会的免疫に抵抗する方法)」は、日本の現代アーティストである(euglena)、菊地良太、小寺創太、半田颯哉らが参加するオンラインアートプロジェクトです。
本プロジェクトではもともと生物学用語である「Social Immunity(社会的免疫)」という言葉を、社会の主流の価値観から外れた人々を「社会の異物」として排除しようとする社会的意識のこととして比喩的に捉えています。本プロジェクトで紹介される作品は、いずれも公共空間に介入し、ウイルスのように社会に蔓延することで、このような排除に抵抗する方法を示しているものです。

Go Viral! Ways to Resist the Social Immunity is an online art project featuring the works of Japanese contemporary artists: (euglena), Ryota Kikuchi, Sota Kodera, and Souya Handa.
The concept of "social immunity" –- originally a word from biological term -– metaphorically symbolizes the marginalization experienced by individuals who fall outside the boundaries of dominant societal values. The artworks showcased in this exhibition demonstrate ways to resist such exclusion, by intervening in public spaces and spreading throughout society like viruses.
Audiences can explore the streets around Tokyo to discover the physical locations where these artworks were created. By approaching specific points marked on a map, viewers can access images of the artworks and trace the artistic process. Some works are not only visible on the website but also placed on-site. Additionally, there will be a hidden method to view all of the artworks without physically visiting the locations like a easter egg.
In these years, humanity continues its battle against the virus and strives to achieve herd immunity, aiming to restore our health and daily lives. While immunity can be beneficial, it can also lead to allergic reactions. Artists go viral, like viruses, to resist the oppressive force of social majority immunity.

Tranquil Signal by Nature Made

Tranquil signal(ささやかなサイン)に出会う日まで。

Tranquil Signal by Nature Madeは、植物の花びらや葉っぱで作られたリボンを猫じゃらしにつけてまわるアートプロジェクト。環境負荷のかからない自然由来の糊を使用しており、雨が降ると糊が剝がれ、リボンが取れて元通りとなる。

My artworks, and I, may be like ghosts.
Just as ghosts can exist only when a psychic recognizes them, artworks begin to speak only when they are discovered.
Until the day we encounter Tranquil Signals.

Tranquil Signal by Nature Made is an art project adorning weeds with ribbons made from petals and leaves. The ribbons are attached with natural glue, and when it rains, the glue peels off and the ribbons return to the environmental cycle.
The texts following the images of the artworks are written by the artist herself for this project.


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born_sd (2021)
菊地 良太 Ryota Kikuchi


RWith a background as a free climber, Ryota Kikuchi skillfully translates his distinctive perspective into artistic expression, offering captivating works that vividly depict the diverse domains and boundaries found within cities and landscapes. Through Kikuchi's artworks, viewers are offered fresh perspectives on streets and their surroundings.


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《調教都市》 Tyokyo City
 小寺 創太 Sota Kodera


In Tyokyo City, Kodera explores the concept of hostile architectures as a platform where the body rejects being positioned. By situating himself on this pedestal, he establishes a dynamic relationship between the pedestal and the body. This can be also seen as an endeavor to convert societal hostility into personal pleasure by utilizing the hostile architecures as a tool for SM play.


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Souya Handa

《ARTISTS ARE PRESENT.》は、水を用いてグラフィティを描く「合法的なストリートアート」への挑戦である。マリーナ・アブラモヴィッチの作品から引用されたこのフレーズは、検閲と闘い、経済的・政治的困難へ抵抗し、非生産的な個人というレッテルを貼られることを拒否する、アーティストの想いを込めたステートメントとして機能する。

ARTISTS ARE PRESENT. is an undertaking in the realm of "legal street art" by using water to create graffiti. The phrase, cited from Marina Abramovic's artwork, serves as the artist's statement, symbolizing the fight against censorship, the resistance against economic and political difficulties, and the refusal to be labeled as unproductive individuals.


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As an artist, I prefer to be a virus rather than be a pat of immunity.